Top 10 Engineering Schools at the Bachelor Level


Saying you want to major in engineering is a lot like saying you want to major in science. As a STEM degree, engineering overlaps with . . . just about everything. It’s so integral to so many other fields that engineering has even been called “the liberal arts of the 21st century.”

There are countless kinds of engineering degrees (almost half the schools on this list have more than 15), and when you combine that with a specialization or a minor, you can craft your degree for any field. It might surprise you to learn that engineering majors go on to medical school or law school pretty frequently, where their technical expertise helps them excel.

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Top 10 Online Master in Healthcare Administration Degrees


Healthcare administrators play a unique role in every healthcare organization, advocating for practitioners and patients alike.

As a healthcare administrator, you have to stay on top of changes to policies, programs, and legislation, and consider the implications for both healthcare professionals and consumers. And in a notoriously chaotic environment, you have to be a constant source of clarity, organization, and structure.

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Top 10 Online Bachelor of Business Management Degrees


Nobody wants a boss who doesn’t understand how businesses work. Aspiring entrepreneurs and future Fortune 500 executives alike need to understand how the fields of accounting, management, human resources, economics, marketing, and operations overlap in business.

Whether you want to be a generalist or a specialist, a bachelor’s degree in business management can make you a valuable asset to any organization.

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Top 10 Online Master in Human Resource Management Degrees


Human resource professionals are responsible for managing a company’s most important assets: its people. HR managers are deeply involved in the process of hiring great talent, making sure people are a good fit, and helping the stars keep moving up.

But that’s not all an HR leader does. They’re often the people that companies trust to make sure people are treated fairly, in accordance with employment laws and regulations. In fact, HR managers are often responsible for making sure companies are protected from legal and ethical employment complaints.

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Why Is the Ivy League Such a Big Deal?


Most people are at least somewhat aware that the Ivy League is an elite group of prestigious schools. You may even be able to name a couple of them (we’ve all heard of Harvard and Yale, right?). Through film, literature, media, and the unmistakable impact of its graduates, the Ivy League has become a ubiquitous symbol for the highest level of both academia and privilege.

So what makes the Ivy League so special?

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Top 10 Online Master in Psychology Degrees

If you’re going to work with people (and almost everyone does), you’ll want to know how people work.

Psychology observes and interprets the human mind by considering everything from memory and reasoning to personality and mental health. It’s no wonder that even organizations outside of psychology-related fields would consider someone who understands the human psyche a huge asset.

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Top 10 Online Master in Social Work Degrees


For people who care about people, social services is the perfect field. Social workers connect people in need with the programs, institutions, and services designed to help them.

According to the Social Work License Map, social workers are currently most in demand in Arizona, California, New York, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, and Texas. But even if you don’t live in one of those states, most communities have people in need and systems to help them. Many online master in social work programs require fieldwork, and they’ll help you get plugged into the social work agencies wherever you live.

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