We run gradlime.com to help regular folks navigate the weird, not-so-wild world of education.
Finding a school is one of the most important financial decisions you can make, for a few reasons:
- School isn’t cheap. After your mortgage, it’s probably the single biggest purchase of your life.
- Your degree influences your career. Lots of companies not only expect new hires to have a degree—they even use HR software that automatically filters out applicants who don’t meet their qualifications.
- Debt isn’t fun. Student debt can be a big restriction on your standard of living after graduation. If you go into debt, you want to make sure the education you get is worth it.
There’s a lot riding on this one decision.
And wading through the mess of articles online (and ads from not-so-reputable establishments) doesn’t make that decision any easier.
gradlime.com is a resource for you
We don’t have all the answers. Nobody does.
But we do have the time to comb through the Internet to find the best schools, programs, and explainers for students and parents.
Basically, we give you a head-start on your education research.
We don’t speak education-ese
There’s plenty of material out there to help you look for a school. And most of it is written by academic folks. That’s not bad—but if you don’t already speak the language of higher ed, you’re going to have a tougher time with your research.
We take a different approach. We’re not writing these articles to impress our rigid and emotionally withholding English professor. We’re writing these articles for people like us.
And by “like us,” we mean people who aren’t “native academics.” Most of the gradlime.com team’s parents don’t have bachelor’s degrees. We didn’t know about the different types of accreditation. We didn’t know the signs of good schools and not-so-good schools.
And that had some negative repercussions for us. One of us missed out on a Stanford scholarship. One of us even attended a private university that ran out of money!
We’ve made some bad calls. We want to help you make better ones.
A couple of quick disclaimers
We do NOT (and cannot!) guarantee any results for you. We can’t guarantee a career, graduation, financial aid—none of that stuff. We probably don’t have to tell you that, but there are too many whiny people with lawyers in the world to risk it.
Choosing a school is a tough decision, and that decision is yours to make. We’re here to support you in your research so you can choose wisely.
We occasionally highlight products you may be interested in, and get a commission if you purchase them through our links. You won’t be charged anything extra, but the kickback we get helps us run the site. Right now, we’re participating in the Tutor the People and Preply affiliate programs—so its fair to assume that links to those sites are affiliate links.